How to Customize Your Friends List on Facebook

What the Tech? Facebook Friends Lists

What the Tech? Facebook Friends Lists

(ABC 6 News) – Is Facebook getting too toxic for you? With another contentious presidential election looming, it seems like you can’t post anything about politics without angering some of your friends. But
what if you could share your true feelings without the risk of losing friends or causing hurt

Here’s a simple trick: create political party friends lists. This allows you to share your posts only
with the people you want to see them. Here’s how:

  1. Create custom lists: Go to your friends list and click on “custom lists” at the bottom. Create lists for like-minded friends, and another for friends who are always looking for an argument.
  2. Add friends to the lists: You’ll need to use a computer for this step. Click on your custom list, then click the three dots in the upper right to add or remove friends. You can also add friends directly from their posts or comments in your feed.
  3. Control who sees your posts: When you post something political, change the privacy settings. You can choose to make the post visible to certain friends, or to everyone except people on your “argumentative” list.
  4. Take a break from certain friends (optional): If you don’t want to see someone’s posts, you can block them or take a break from them. This won’t unfriend them, but you won’t see their posts or comments for a while.

Remember, Facebook won’t notify people if you add them to a list or take a break from them.
But they might figure it out eventually. If you’re tired of political arguments on Facebook, give
this a try before old friends become political enemies.