“Wake Up Call” App Helps You Get Out of Bed in the Morning

What the Tech? App of the Day: “Wake Up Call”

What the Tech? App of the Day: "Wake Up Call"

(ABC 6 News) – Tired of hitting the snooze button a million times every morning? Feeling like a zombie when you finally drag yourself out of bed? Well, there’s an app for that!

It’s Wake Up Call, the app that literally calls you to wake you up. Yep, you read that right. It’s like
having a personal butler, but without the fancy suit and the awkward small talk.

How it works:

  1. Set the alarm: Choose the day and time you want to be rudely awakened from your slumber.
  2. Wait for the call: When the time comes, your phone will ring. But instead of your mom asking why you haven’t called her back, you’ll hear a cheerful robot voice telling you it’s time to rise and shine.
  3. Get up (or else): There’s no snooze button here, folks. You either answer the call and face the day, or let it ring until your roommate throws a pillow at you.

Why it’s awesome:

  • No more snooze abuse: Wake Up Call forces you to get up and interact with it, making it much harder to fall back asleep.
  • Customizable wake-up messages: You can even choose what the robot voice says to you. Need a stern drill sergeant to yell at you? It’s got you covered.
  • Affordable: The app is free for a few calls, and then it’s only a dollar for 12 calls. That’s cheaper than a cup of coffee, and way more effective.