What the Tech? App of the Day: ‘Nuj Alarm Clock’

What the Tech? App of the Day: ‘Nuj Alarm Clock’

What the Tech? App of the Day: 'Nuj Alarm Clock'

(ABC 6 News) – We all know the feeling: the alarm goes off, and our hand instinctively reaches for the snooze button. But what if there was an alarm clock that made it impossible to hit snooze? That’s where
Nuj Alarm Clock comes in.

Nuj, pronounced “nudge,” is an app that requires you to get out of bed and scan a barcode to
turn off the alarm. If you don’t, it will cost you real money.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Set the alarm as you would on any other alarm clock.
  2. Choose whether or not to commit to making a donation to charity if you fail to get up on time. You can set the options to donate $5, $10, $20, or $50.
  3. Pick a barcode from an item in your bathroom or kitchen.
  4. Scan the code ahead of time and save it in the app.
  5. When the alarm goes off, you won’t be able to turn it off by tapping the screen. Instead, you’ll have to get out of bed, go to the bathroom or kitchen, and scan the barcode.

There is no snooze button, and if you don’t scan the code within five minutes, you’ll pay the
penalty. The money goes to the charity Khan Academy.

Nuj Alarm Clock is a free app, but a $50 per year premium subscription allows you to choose
your own charity.

This app might not be for everyone, but if you have trouble getting out of bed in the morning, or
if you absolutely can’t afford to be late, it could be a great solution. The financial motivation
might be just what you need to finally break the snooze button habit.