Dodge Center man sentenced to 120 days in jail for sexual assault

(ABC 6 News) – A Dodge Center student was sentenced to 120 days in Fillmore County Jail Tuesday after pleading guilty to sexually assaulting a woman last summer.

Rhylan Daniel Peterson, 22, received a sentence of 364 days in jail, but 244 of those days were stayed for three years, per Peterson’s March plea agreement.

Peterson’s jail term begins Tuesday, May 30.

He will also spend three years on supervised probation, and pay a $500 fine or complete 50 hours of community service, according to Minnesota court records.


(ABC 6 News) – UPDATE: A Dodge Center student pleaded guilty Monday, March 13, to one charge of 5th-degree criminal sexual conduct after allegedly sexually assaulting a young woman in August of 2022.

Rhylan Daniel Peterson, 22, received a sentence of 365 days in jail, but 245 of those days will be stayed for three years, according to Peterson’s plea agreement.

Peterson will serve 120 days in the Fillmore County jail, scheduled to coincide with the end of the 2022/2023 school year, according to his plea agreement.

Peterson’s sentencing is scheduled for May 30, 2023.

His plea deal also stated Peterson will write a letter of apology to the woman and pay $590 in fines and fees within one year.

The document also specified that Peterson may be eligible for Huber release during his sentence, which would allow him to be released from jail during his normal work shift.

Fillmore County court staff said work release eligibility is determined by jail staff.


(ABC 6 News) – A Dodge Center man will appear in Fillmore County Court Monday, Oct. 31, on one charge of 5th-degree criminal sexual conduct.

Rhylan Daniel Peterson, 21, is accused of non-consensual sexual contact with a woman in August of 2022.

According to court documents, Peterson joined a group of people on a party bus to Winona on Aug. 14, 2022, and several members of the group, including Peterson, were dropped off at a Rushford residence that night.

Court documents indicate that multiple members of the group drank heavily that night, including the victim.

According to court documents, the female victim allegedly woke up in the night to find Peterson had partially undressed her and was sexually touching her and himself.

The victim told police she was able to get up after a few minutes and call her friends from the bathroom.

The victim and other people in the home told police Peterson later sent texts to the group, allegedly apologizing for assaulting the young woman.

According to court documents, Peterson admitted to touching the woman “inappropriately” and admitted to texting the group to “speak about … his remorse for his actions.”

Peterson’s next court date has not been scheduled.