No swimming advised at Cascade Lake due to elevated bacteria levels

ABC 6 News) – The Rochester Park and Recreation department is advising the community to avoid swimming at Cascade Lake for a week because of high levels of bacteria.

During water testing, the Rochester Parks and Recreation Center found elevated counts of bacteria. This moves Cascade Lake to level yellow, but swimming could resume again next week.

This is not the first time the lake has had to put out these notices in the past four to five years.

“One would be wildlife, a shallower body of water could be more prone to fluctuation in the bacteria level, when it’s excessively hot for a long period, or a really heavy rainfall event- with some of that water runoff could be a part of that as well,” Recreation Supervisor Ben Boldt said.

Rochester Parks and Rec are seeking preventative measures and are working with other cities and organizations to lower its bacteria count.

It hopes to maintain a consistent, low count for the future. Bacteria samples are taken from 3 spots in the late and levels are posted on its website weekly.

For those looking to swim- Foster-Arend beach, Soldiers Field, and Silver Lake pool are still open.