Pathway House in Rochester investigated for suspected maltreatment

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(ABC 6 News) – The Minnesota Department of Human Services has released its report into an investigation of suspected maltreatment between a staff member and a vulnerable adult at the Pathway House in Rochester.

According to an investigation report by the MN Dept. of Human Services, allegations were reported that a staff member and a vulnerable adult had sexual contact, that the staff member vaped THC and used ecstasy while working, that the vulnerable adult reportedly bought the staff member jewelry and that the staff member took heart burn medication from the facility.

For the allegation of sexual contact, the report stated the staff member would regularly call and text the vulnerable adult during and after their stay at the Pathway House, and did spend time with them after their stay at the facility, but it was not determined whether sexual abuse occurred.

For the allegation of the staff member vaping THC and using ecstasy while working, the MN Dept. of Human Services wrote there was no additional information to support or refute the allegation and it was not determined whether neglect occurred (the failure or omission by a caregiver to supply a vulnerable adult with care or services).

For the allegation that the vulnerable adult bought the staff member jewelry, the report states there was no additional information to support or refute the allegation, and that the vulnerable adult was responsible for their own finances, and there was no preponderance of the evidence whether the staff member accepted jewelry from the vulnerable adult.

For the allegation that the staff member took heart burn medication from the facility an gave it to another person, the report stated there was no medication missing from the facility, and there was no additional information to support or refute the allegation, and there was not a preponderance of the evidence whether the staff member took medication from a vulnerable adult at the facility.

The report states the facility completed an internal review and determined that policies and procedures were adequate and followed, and that the staff member is no longer at the facility.

The MN Dept. of Human Services, Officer of Inspector General stated no further actions will be taken at this time.

Click here for the full report.