Roe v. Wade Rallies continue

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(ABC 6 News) – Saturday morning, the community has rallied once again in Peace Plaza at "Rochester for Roe", protesting the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade, saying it’s a monumental step back for the nation. Pro-life groups also joined the rally, leading to confrontation and backup from law enforcement.

"I’m very incredibly angry. I’m really upset and disturbed that people other than myself are making choices for my body, for me," said protester Sophia Pronk. "It isn’t your body to begin with and that means that you don’t have control over it."

Pro-life groups also feel intensely about the issue.

"There are pro-life women, there are pro-life younger women. I just want to stand up for those people that won’t show up," said another protester, Alyssa. "Someones gotta do it, someones gotta be the one to stand up for what we believe in and if you remain silent then you’re part of the problem."

Hundreds of people showed up at the rally.

Protester, Zara Boon, said the support was overwhelming and encouraging.

"You can’t tackle a problem by yourself, you need support in numbers and with this amount of people – and I know this is happening all over the nation – I know we are going to get our rights back and I know we are going to make a dent in history," Boon said.

Throughout the rally, groups of protesters from both sides confronted one another, leading to the Community Engagement Response Team having to step into the altercation multiple times. At one point, a police officer was called to calm things down.

Still, the rally’s organizers saw the event as a success and say this is just the beginning.

"We need everybody here to keep fighting because we are not going to be able to do this alone," said TL Jordan, the Organizing Manager of Planned Parenthood, MN, ND, SD Action Fund. "So, take action and bring your skills, whatever skills you have to offer. We need you in this movement."

And the youngest of protesters are also ready to fight for what they believe in.

"Just because we are young, doesn’t mean we are stupid. We know what’s going on, we see our surroundings and we will not stand down," said Pronk.

"The youth of Rochester are going to make a change. The minorities are here and we’re not going anywhere," Boon added.

For pro-life supporters, the fight for the unborn is not over either.

"Every baby in the room has a right see what it grows up to be. It’s just one step, it doesn’t really make abortion illegal, it’s just one step closer to hopefully that outcome," said Alyssa.

With election season around the corner, both groups encourage the community to go out and vote, and continue peacefully rallying on both sides.