Iowa DOT prepares for winter storm
(ABC 6 News) — With the major winter storm headed for the Minnesota and Iowa, the Iowa Department of Transportation was pretreating roads ahead of the heavy snowfall.
Rain, snow and ice are expected to hit northern Iowa over the next few days. Iowa DOT have been focusing on the troublesome areas like bridge decks and exit ramps that tend to be more slick than other areas.
Officials are reminding drivers to watch for the plows and to give them room. “If you are operating a vehicle around a snowplow, give us space to do our job,” said Craig Bargfrede with Iowa DOT.
“We are trying to make the road as safe as possible, so don’t crowd the plow.”
Iowa DOT says drivers should be aware of the lights they see on the roads. If you see amber, blue and white lights you are approaching a plow from behind. If you see just amber lights you are approaching a plow traveling in the opposite direction.