Byron Middle school students give back

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(ABC 6 News) – A little gift can make a huge difference and that’s exactly what a group of seventh grade students at Byron Middle school did Thursday morning at the Rochester Ronald McDonald House.

Part of an interior design class, the kids have been busy sewing over 50 pillow cases for children staying there during their hospital stay.

The Ronald McDonald House provides a home away from home while families are getting medical care for their children and hosts about 70 families a night.

“When a family comes here to Rochester to receive medical care for their child, they’re really leaving behind their support networks. So, to come here to the Ronald McDonald House and see a communitty that cares about them, it’s just so heartwarming. And especially when it’s children that care about kids their own age and supporting them in different ways its truly something special,” explained Development Officer Angela Christensen.

It was the kids’ first time sewing. They say while it was stressful at times, it was absolutely worth it and they’re happy to give back to other kids and families.

“It was definitely a class i enjoyed making stuff for it was fun,” Reese Anderson said.

“I just hope that it makes someone’s day, makes them feel cared for and loved and special,” said Lily Moon.

Staff members say donations and gestures like these means so much to people staying there.