Chabad of Southern Minnesota celebrates Lag BaOmer

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(ABC 6 News) – Rochester’s Jewish community celebrated the holiday of Lag BaOmer with a family friendly gathering Monday.

Lag BaOmer is the 33rd day in the Jewish calendar between Passover and Shavuot, which is the celebration of the harvest. It’s an annual Jewish festival aims to celebrate Jewish unity and pride.

It’s also use to commemorate Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai death, and the holiday also marks the end of a plague 2,000 years ago

One of the rabbis’ life missions, was to encourage every member of their faith to embrace it and not be afraid to show it.

“One of his biggest themes was Jewish pride. The way that we showcase our Jewish pride is by gathering together, having an outdoors spring fun-filled festival and encouraging ourselves and our youth to be prideful of our Judaism,” said Shloime Greene, the Chabad Rabbi.

Per tradition, the celebration is held outside so everyone can enjoy nature, music and food. There was also a bonfire lighting to honor Rabbi Shimon.