Soldier’s Field Memorial Park’s historical significance called into question

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(ABC 6 News) – The city of Rochester is not quite ready to decide on the historical significance of Soldiers’ Field Memorial Park.

It has come into question after recently being denied eligibility for the national register of historic places.

Soldiers Memorial Field Park was placed on the historic inventory (previously called the Potential Landmark List) by the City Council on February 22, 2017.

One topic of conversation Tuesday was the integrity of the park.

“The historic integrity of the design of the park is poor. It doesn’t mean it’s not a significant part of the community. It doesn’t mean it’s not an important place, but due to lack of historical integrity, even without doing that additional research, my inkling is that it does not warrant landmark designation,” Historic Preservation and Urban Design coordinator Molly Patterson-Lundgren explained.

The Heritage Preservation Commission decided to table any decision until it gets more information.

Recently approved improvements including the expansion of a playground and aquatics facility will continue as planned.