Slightly unsettled, still very summery

You’ve probably got the gist of the forecast by now – summer warmth and humidity followed by the development of afternoon to evening showers and thunderstorms. And again, the rain isn’t falling on everyone, but everyone has at least a good chance of finding themselves underneath a downpour at some point between today and early next week.

If you’re planning on heading out to check out any of the great, weekend activities across the area, don’t be too worried about the weather thwarting your plans. It will probably rain, yes, but not for too long. The upside of these quick drenchers is they pulse up, rain, possibly make some lightning, and drift off. The main timing is from early afternoon to early evening on any of these thundershowers from today (Friday) through Sunday. The coverage of any rain developing this weekend looks to be slightly lower than the scattered activity we’re seeing today. Severe risk is very low, but small hail and some wind gusts are always common with any thunderstorm.

Temperatures will remain above average through the beginning of next week, nudging 90 degrees in the afternoons. Slightly cooler and less humid air will move into the region around Wednesday of next week, which means daytime temperatures will still be comfortably warm, but closer to 80 degrees. Have a great weekend!