Project Legacy to receive $400,000 for training young people

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(ABC 6 News) – Over $7 million is heading to Minnesota to provide workforce development and training for young people in the state.

Governor Tim Walz and the Department of Employment and Economic Development announced a number of grants Monday.

Project Legacy is set to receive $200,000 this fiscal year, followed by the same amount next fiscal year. Project Legacy plans to use the money to expand their reach at their Rochester and St. Paul sites, as well as their new Ely site. 

“This grant award is an opportunity for our young people to really be able to focus on their education and career planning the supports that are going to be in place now,” said Karen Edmons, executive director at Project Legacy.

DEED’s Office of Youth Development awarded the Youth at Work grants to organizations providing services to economically disadvantaged or at-risk youth ages 14 to 24. The grant allows Project Legacy to increase staffing and remove barriers like technology and housing for young people raised in poverty. 

The Youth at Work program is in high demand. DEED received over $17 million in funding requests from 60 organizations for the program last fiscal year.