Turning Up The Heat & Humidity

After a few comfortable days, we are going to be turning up the heat & humidity a little more for the middle of the week. Highs are expected to reach the middle 80s today, & the upper 80s/lower 90s Thursday. Adding in the humidity, it will feel more like the low/mid 90s today, & the mid/upper 90s tomorrow.

Rain chances are continuing to look sparse for the week, aside from a few isolated showers & t-showers mainly for our Minnesota communities today. The better opportunity for rain looks to return this weekend, Saturday afternoon/evening, and especially Sunday. Severe weather is not expected, however, a nice light soak could be possible Sunday.

The weekend rain will cool our temperatures to the upper 70s & lower 80s not just for the weekend, but also for next week. Look for a comfortable start to the week in the middle 70s.