Dangerous heat through at least Wednesday

As of this Tuesday afternoon, heat index readings have been in the triple digits for the entire Weather First area and will remain dangerously high into Tuesday evening. Wednesday will be just as hot throughout the region with a repeat of 100-110° heat index readings. Excessive Heat Warnings are in effect through Thursday for most of us, with the exception being parts of southeast Minnesota where it might be just *slight* less hot Thursday afternoon.

With that said, there will start to be some relief from this heatwave for some of us on Thursday as less humid air starts to push into portions of southeast Minnesota, mainly north of I-90. Friday will be less hot for all of us, although still in the mid-80s and warmer than average for this time of August. The weekend ahead looks fantastic with temperatures topping out in the 70s both Saturday and Sunday.

Meanwhile, continue to take the heat seriously and heat exhaustion can set in quickly in these conditions. We are seeing numbers being hit that we haven’t seen in more than 10 years in parts of southern Minnesota and northern Iowa. Stay hydrated, keep you, your family, and your pets cool, and if you’re working outside, take frequent breaks.