Rochester national survey results are in

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(ABC 6 News) – The city of Rochester is sharing the results of a national community survey and a national business survey.

This is the second community survey Rochester has done, the first being in 2018. 5,500 residents in Rochester were randomly selected and invited to participate in the statistically significant survey.

Some key findings from the Rochester survey include:

– residents enjoy a positive quality of life and a strong sense of safety in Rochester.
– The city’s economy and employment opportunities are an asset to the community.
– Rochester parks and recreational offerings are highly valued by residents.

In an ongoing commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, an analysis of the data identified statistically significant differences across the demographic categories.

"Were in a change-oriented community where were growing quickly and were seeing a lot of change…" Rochester City Administrator Alison Zelms said.

The national business survey was an opt-in opportunity and over 230 businesses participated.

The key insights from that survey included:

1. Majority of businesses in Rochester feel positive about the business climate in the city.
2. Only half of owners/managers gave excellent or good ratings to the city as a place to visit, meaning there is an opportunity to improve the visitor experience.
3. City services related to transportation ranked well, but there is an opportunity for the relationship between businesses and the city to improve.

You can find all the findings from both of the surveys at: