National Walk to School Day

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(ABC 6 News) – Bus loads were light today that’s because it’s National Walk to School Day. The annual event is sponsored by Minnesota Safe Routes to School, and it encourages students to tryout a healthy habit to get more exercise.

Rochester Public Schools coordinated spots for students to meet up and walk together. Some RCTC football players helped out today walking with kids from Franklin Elementary.

“We are just excited to encourage some activity with the kids in their daily lifestyle and get active a little bit. And walking to school is a good way to do that,” said Quarterback Devin Watson.

“I get to walk with my friends, and I don’t have to sit and wait in a car,” said student Lily.

When the students arrived at school they walked through some hoops and got some prizes for their efforts today. MnDOT says more than 200 schools across the state participated today.