Pleasant through the weekend, slim shower chances

Even with some cloud cover around the region today, temperatures bumped back into the mid-40s Thursday afternoon. Another mild day is ahead for Friday, temperatures will increase a bit this weekend as well. Now that we’re getting much closer to the weekend and there is some more clarity to the weather data, the chance for rain is looking much lower for the next few days. The next good opportunity for rain is going to be Sunday night into Monday morning. There will be a few sprinkles tonight through Friday morning, otherwise not much more than a trace is expected through Friday and the majority of the weekend.

There will be a fair amount of sunshine from Friday through most of the weekend before clouds increase later Sunday afternoon to early evening ahead of a weak storm system. Sunday night to Monday’s showers should have minimal impact on temperatures with Monday’s highs still reaching to the upper 40s and lower 50s. Cooler air will arrive behind that wave of low pressure and next week’s temperatures will get gradually cooler but not frigid.