Sunshine will return this weekend… slowly

Thanks to a small dose of Canadian air, temperatures stayed in the 30s through much of Friday. We’ll keep that cooler air around through Saturday, along with the cloud cover, and temperatures will start to moderate a bit Saturday afternoon. There is a very slim chance of a few showers later in the day Saturday, so don’t be too shocked if you get caught in a brief shower.

Highs will make their way back to the mid-40s Saturday afternoon. The wind is going to pick up Sunday and temperatures will also rebound to the mid-50s thanks to that stronger, southerly wind. There will also be a bright, sunny sky on Sunday. A ridge in the jet stream will take shape late in the weekend and will affect us most of next week.

With sunshine from Sunday through at least the middle of next week, in combination with the ridge, we’re in for a nice, long, quiet stretch of mild weather. There will be the occasional windy day to go with the warm-up. No significant storm systems appear set to move through our neck of the woods anytime soon.