Sen. Klobuchar calls for extended law enforcement support

Sen. Klobuchar on Peace Officers

Sen. Klobuchar on Peace Officers

(ABC 6 News) – Today, in celebration of national police week, Senator Amy Klobuchar received a from the National Association of Police Organization for her outstanding support of American law enforcement.  

Last May, Sen. Klobuchar helped introduce the COPS Reauthorization Act to extend critical support for state and local law enforcement agencies. 

Today, the senator from Minnesota encouraged the continued support for law enforcement from the federal level in order to help keep communities safe. 

“Our law enforcement professionals are on the front lines of public safety, doing everything from keeping violent criminals off the street to tackling the scourge of fentanyl,” she remarked.  

In May 2023, Klobuchar introduced the COPS Reauthorization Act with Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) to extend critical support for state and local law enforcement agencies across the country. The COPS program awards grants to state and local law enforcement agencies so they can hire new officers and provide training, technology, and equipment. It also enables the Justice Department to support state and local law enforcement efforts to combat fentanyl and other dangerous narcotics, and it provides technical assistance to community leaders and law enforcement agencies at all levels.

In March 2023, Klobuchar introduced the Honoring Our Fallen Heroes Act with Senator Kevin Cramer (R-ND). The bipartisan bill would expand access to federal support for the families of first responders who passed away from cancer caused by carcinogenic exposure during their service. The bill would also extend disability benefits in cases where they become permanently and totally disabled due to cancer.  Currently, first responders are only eligible for support under the Public Safety Officer Benefits (PSOB) program for physical injuries sustained in the line-of-duty, or for deaths from duty-related heart attacks, strokes, mental health conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder, and 9/11 related illnesses.