Fraternal Order of Police mourns fallen Minneapolis officer

(ABC 6 News) – Minnesota State Fraternal Order of Police released a statement on the death of Minneapolis police officer Jamal Mitchell.

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“The Fraternal Order Police extends their deepest sympathies to the family and friends of the Minneapolis Police Officers killed and injured yesterday. ‘Officer Jamal Mitchell will never be forgotten, and our nation owes a debt of gratitude to this hero!’ stated David Miller, Minnesota F.O.P. State President. ‘We stand with the men and women that continue to protect and serve. We pray for the recovery of the second injured officer and the Minneapolis Police Department.’

“’The War on Cops in America claims yet another casualty. Every police officer in this country is keeping Officer Mitchell’s family, friends and the entire Minneapolis Police Department in our collective thoughts and prayers. His sacrifice shall never be forgotten’ Joe Gamaldi, National F.O.P. Vice President stated, ‘As we continue to see historic violence towards law enforcement in our country, 378 officers shot last year, 115 ambush attacks, and 2024 is shaping up even worse…it is incumbent upon everyone from the highest ranks of governments to local community leaders to finally say…ENOUGH!”