Two Rounds of Rain before Next Weekend

Compared to the last month or so, we are slated to get a break from excess rainfall, but that does not mean we will be completely dry in the next week or so. Tuesday and Thursday are our best chances.

On Tuesday, we have some showers possible later in the day. These showers are trending on the lighter side, and no severe weather is currently expected. As for EXACT rainfall totals and where they should be highest, we should know more by the end of the weekend.

Late Wednesday and early Thursday is our next opportunity for storms. Severe weather will be possible out in the Dakotas and western Minnesota on Wednesday. If storms arrive late Wednesday into early Thursday, the timing may not be very favorable for severe weather. Once we have a better idea on timing, then that will make it easier to determine threats for severe weather during this timeframe.

In between the two rounds of rain, we have high pressure and sunny skies during the majority of the day Wednesday.