Is Beryl a concern for us?

Many folks have likely heard about Hurricane Beryl and its saga across the Atlantic Ocean. Late last night, Beryl made landfall in Texas as a category 1 hurricane and has been tracking northward across Texas today.

For those of you who may be wondering if we will feel any effects from Beryl here, there is good news! The center of whatever is left of the tropical system is expected to pass well to our southeast tomorrow and Wednesday and should have no major effects on our local weather.

If you are outside tomorrow and take a look at the sky to the southeast, you will likely see some clouds from the outer edge of Beryl though! These clouds will be more of the high up, wispy cirrus cloud variety, so will be nonthreatening.

We do have an isolated storm chance tomorrow later in the afternoon and into the evening, but any storms that do develop will not be associated with Beryl.

Fast fact for you…rain that falls from tropical systems is non-salty contrary to popular belief. When water evaporates, even over the ocean, the salt is left behind in the ocean and is not carried into the atmosphere. Therefore, when the water falls back down as rain, it is salt free!