Rochester man charged with child porn production at federal level

Rochester man charged with making child pornography

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(ABC 6 News) – A Rochester man accused of making and distributing child pornography now faces federal charges.

According to court documents, Kevyn Bradley Heath faces five charges of production and attempted production of child pornography, as well as a single charge of distributing child pornography in Minnesota federal court.

Heath also faces one charge each of 1st-degree criminal sexual conduct with a child under 3, use of a minor in a sexual performance/pornographic work, and distributing child pornography in Olmsted County.

RELATED: Number of charges reduced for Rochester man accused of making, sharing child pornography – ABC 6 News –

According to federal court documents, Heath pleaded not guilty and remains in federal custody.

His next federal hearing is scheduled for July 25, while his next Olmsted County hearing is set for October 9.