RPS seeking operating referendum to avoid cuts

RPS levy community hearing

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(ABC 6 News) – The district is turning to the community once again comes after they’re entering contract negotiations with Superintendent Dr. Kent Pekel.

In a closed session back in July, the school board evaluated Superintendent Pekel on three goals.

The implementation of the district-wide initiatives for systems changes, the development of new goals in the RPS strategic plan, and to provide high quality leadership.

The district says he’s doing a good job but how do people feel?

“I think he is looking into the best interest for all the kids in the district,” RPS parent Veronica Flock said.

“Dr. Pekel has an incredibly difficult job, I don’t know how he can succeed if we don’t do the things that he, the school board, the school district, the teachers, and students needed to succeed,” RPS parent Sara Oberhelman-Eaton said.

One of Pekel’s main goals was last year’s technology referendum which failed.

In his second attempt, he explains how this referendum is different.

“We have this year decided to go for an operating levy, which can be used for salaries, benefits, the core operations of education,” Pekel explained.

If the referendum were to pass, the additional funding would help maintain staff positions, protecting current class sizes.

If it were to fail, the district would have to make $20 million in cuts ahead of the 2025-2026 school year which would include closing several schools, eliminating positions, and increasing class sizes.

Some residents still have questions for the district.

“I still believe we can enhance a little more of the information moving forward,” Flock said.

Now it will be left to voters to determine the fate of the referendum in November.

As for Pekel’s contract, negotiations are currently for three years which would begin next July.