Local election officials report slow start as primary election day kicks off

Slow start to primary election day in Minnesota – ABC 6 News Daytime

Slow start to primary election day in Minnesota - ABC 6 News Daytime

(ABC 6 News) – The Minnesota primary election has begun and local officials are saying that the turnout so far has been unsurprisingly slow.

Harold Hatton is one of the head election judges for the city of Rochester overseeing several precincts in the fourth ward that use the Rochester Regional Sports Center as their polling location.

He says he’s been working as a head judge for about 10 years and that primary elections like this one usually have a lower number of voters than the general elections in November.

“Especially in a presidential year, there’s always more people of course in the general election in November,” says Hatton. “Not quite so many in the off two years, but it usually gets pretty busy in November.”

However there is still plenty of time left in the day.

Polls will remain open into the evening, closing at 8 p.m., and as long as you are in line before then, you’ll still be able to cast your ballot.

RELATED: Everything voters need to know about the Minnesota primary election

Primary election day in Minnesota – ABC 6 News Daytime

Primary election day in Minnesota - ABC 6 News Daytime