Adelia Dundas Foundation established to help families with kids in hospitals

Adelia Dundas Foundation

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(ABC 6 News) — The Adelia Dundas Foundation was established to give grants to families with children in the hospital that will allow them to take the time they need while their child is sick.

The foundation was started by the Dundas family, in honor of their daughter Adelia.

Adelia was born with Aicardi Syndrome and was later diagnosed with a rare form of bone marrow cancer before she died at the age 10.

Now, her family is carrying on her legacy by helping other families in need.

Grant recipients say they’re extremely thankful, because the grants allow them to spend time with their families, without having to worry about bills or taking time off of work.

Alisha and Ryan Gallagher received the grant for their son, and they say it was extremely helpful because they had to take so much time off of work.

“Neither of us were able to work, and so even just that amount to help with our mortgage has been so helpful,” Alisha Gallagher said.

The foundation has been able to give grants to five families.

The Adelia Dundas Foundation will be holding their first ever benefit on Saturday, October 5, at the Austin Eagles.

Tickets are available now, and the money raised will go to giving grants to more families and funding research for Aicardi Syndrome.