Patchy fog possible tonight

I’ve already mentioned the possibility for fog in other stories today, but wanted to exclusively focus on the potential here and go into more details about fog, why we are expected to see it, and how widespread it may be.

Temperatures are going to fall into the upper 50F’s to lower 60F’s overnight tonight and towards daybreak. Dew points will also drop into the mid to upper 50F’s across the viewing area.

When the temperature of the air cools to the dew point, water will begin condensing around particles that are floating around in the air. Once this begins at the surface, we see the formation of fog!

Light winds will help air particles settle tonight into early tomorrow morning, aiding in the condensation process. With a clear sky and temperatures close to the dew points, there is a very good chance we could wake up to some patchy fog across the area.

It is always hard to say how widespread fog will be during the summertime. It depends on several small scale factors that are extremely difficult to predict. With that said, patchy fog is a good bet, but we can’t be surprised if there is more widespread fog tomorrow in some places as well.

Regardless, this fog isn’t expect to cause any major disruptions, more of something to just be aware of if you are going to be hitting the roads earlier in the day.