Watch party held in Mankato for Walz’s speech
(ABC 6 News) — A watch party was held in Mankato for Gov. Tim Walz’s speech at the Democratic National Convention on Wednesday, Aug. 21.
Walz’s speech was an opportunity for the nation to get to know Minnesota Governor who is Vice President Kamala Harris’s running mate.
Many in the Mankato community already know Walz, because he was a teacher and football coach at Mankato West High school before launching his political career.
Hundreds of people came to the watch party, all to support Walz, who they know as a friend, neighbor, coach, teacher and governor.
“He really is that middle-class dad that he has been portrayed as, that is him, it’s not an act,” Blake Frink, former student of Governor Walz, said.
Frink said he was inspired by Walz as a teacher, so much so, that he also became a teacher.
For parents of former students, like Patty Christensen, the lessons that Walz taught their students were priceless.
Christensen said she accompanied two of her daughters on a class trip to Chine in 2001 that Walz brought his students on. ‘
Christensen said Walz taught the students how to spread their wings and learn about new cultures.
“My daughter, who was going to live down the street and had all the lights on when she babysat, she works for UNICEF, she’s travelled the world, she’s frequently travelled to Africa as though it were going to the twin cities,” Christensen said.
Dale Hedlund taught with Governor Walz and his wife Gwen Walz at Mankato West for five years, and said that he has nothing but good memories with them.
Hedlund said Walz is a perfect choice for the role, because of how he and his family are.
“He and his whole family are decent people, respectable and respected and honorable people,” Hedlund said.
The last day of the DNC is Thursday, and Vice President Harris is expected to accept the nomination from her party.