Two candidates running for Howard County Sheriff after current sheriff’s resignation

Howard County Sheriff steps down

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(ABC 6 News) Two men have filed their candidacies for Howard County Sheriff after current Sheriff Tim Beckman submitted his resignation to the Howard County Board of Supervisors on August 19.

Supervisor Joe Pisney said the sheriff resigned for medical reasons and will be on medical leave until January 2 when his term is up.

Beckman was running for re-election but took his name off the ballot once he decided to resign.

Sheriff Beckman did not respond to ABC 6’s request for comment on Friday.

Two men have now filed candidacies, Richard Keith Hollenbeck and Rick Busch.

Hollenbeck has been an investigator with the Howard County Sheriff’s Office for ten years and filed as a no-party contestant.

Hollenbeck did not respond to ABC 6’s request for comment Friday.

Busch filed as a Republican and has worked in several different law enforcement positions across Iowa for decades.

“There are some really talented deputies, dispatchers, and jailers that currently work for the Howard county sheriff’s office, and they want to improve their effectiveness, like me, and I think together we can make Howard County a much safer place to live,” Busch said.

Whoever wins this election will take office and replace the current Sheriff on Jan. 2.