What the Tech? iPhone 16 on the Horizon: Do You Really Need to Upgrade?

What the Tech? Make Your Phone Last Longer

What the Tech? Make Your Phone Last Longer

(ABC 6 News) – Several years ago most people upgraded to new phones every two years. That was primarily because wireless companies offered only 2-year payment installments.

Starting with the original iPhone, each year brought massive improvements until recently. Each
new phone has only incremental improvements and features that, while impressive, aren’t
necessary for smartphone users who primarily just call, text, and browse social media.

The tech world is buzzing with the imminent release of the iPhone 16. But before you rush to
pre-order, let’s talk about your current phone. Is it truly time for an upgrade, or could you
squeeze a bit more life out of it?

One major reason people ditch their old phones is a dying battery. If your phone struggles to
make it through the day, don’t despair just yet. Check your battery health in your phone’s
settings. If the maximum capacity has taken a significant hit, consider a professional battery

If you have Apple Care and the battery is less than 80% you can have it replaced for free from
Apple. If the battery’s maximum capacity is above 80%, or if you don’t have Apple Care,
replacing it will cost between $70-$100.

It’s a fraction of the cost of a new phone and can breathe new life into your device.

To extend your battery’s lifespan even further, enable optimized battery charging. This feature,
available on both iPhone and some Android models, prevents overcharging by limiting it to 80%
overnight. Your phone will then top off to 100% just before you wake up, ensuring a full charge
without the wear and tear of constant topping up.

Is your phone sluggish and cluttered with apps, photos, and memes? A full storage can slow
down your device and impact its longevity. Take some time to declutter: delete unused apps, old
photos, and unnecessary files. You’ll be amazed at how much smoother your phone runs with
some breathing room.

Keeping your phone’s software up to date is crucial for security and performance. If your phone
is no longer receiving updates, it’s a sign that it’s time for an upgrade. Older phones may not be
able to handle the latest software, leaving you vulnerable to security risks and missing out on
new features.

The Verdict: Upgrade or Not?

Ultimately, the decision to upgrade is yours. If your phone is outdated, struggling to keep up,
and no longer supported with software updates, it’s probably time to say goodbye. However, if
your phone is still going strong with a little TLC, you can save money and reduce e-waste by
extending its life.

Remember, the latest iPhone is tempting, but it’s not always necessary.