Austin VFW celebrates 100 years

Austin VFW celebrates 100 years

Some members have been a part of the organization for years including people like Mike Ruzek whose dad served in World War II and was a lifetime VFW member.

(ABC 6 News) – The Austin VFW Post 1216 has served the community for 100 years.

Some members have been a part of the organization for years, including people like Mike Ruzek whose dad served in World War II and was a lifetime VFW member.

He became a member to honor his late father.

“Every parade, my dad was in a wheelchair and when that flag came by, if he could stand up, we stood him up.”

The celebration continues into the weekend.

On Sunday, VFW members will come back and fill a time capsule with items which will be sealed away for 25 years for the future generation to dig up and look back at the past.