Summer warmth to resume Sunday, sunshine to kick off next week

Happy Saturday everyone! Some folks woke up to some light rain out there this morning, but not everyone saw rain. Still seeing a few showers out there this afternoon, especially east of I-35. These showers are rather spotty in nature, so not everyone will see rain, as was the case this morning.

Spotty showers and perhaps a t-storm or two will remain possible through this evening, with a good deal of clouds sticking with us as well. Skies begin to clear out later tonight as drier air works in from the west and any leftover shower activity departs and/or dissipates.

Sunday the summer warmth resumes after today’s cooler temperatures, with highs in the low to mid 80F’s across southeastern Minnesota and northern Iowa. High temperatures in the low to mid 80F’s will carry us through the end of the week, along with plenty of sunshine and mainly dry weather conditions for most. Dew points will be in the mid to upper 60F’s through at least Wednesday, making it feel humid out there through this next Wednesday.

Model guidance is gradually coming into better agreement that a large trough of low pressure will swing down from Canada and pass through our area toward the end of next week and into next weekend. Although precipitation chances are still hard to work out at this time, much cooler air seems to be a sure bet at this time. This may be when we finally see a more prolonged taste of early fall, with highs in the mid to upper 60F’s by the following week.

In the meantime, not much to write home about around here in terms of weather through the middle of next week, with well above normal daily highs making their self at home across the Weather First area. Not a bad forecast for the summer loves out there!