Warm temperatures through Monday, cooler next week

High pressure will continue to allow warm temperatures to persist across the Weather First area for the next several days. Highs in the upper 70F’s to lower 80F’s will be the temporary normal around here until next Monday, when a powerful cold front arrives.

High temperatures will reach 80F for all of the Weather First area Friday and Saturday. Fortunately, dew points will remain in the 50F’s through this period, preventing it from feeling humid and uncomfortable. High temperatures near 80F stick around for Sunday, although some locations may be a few degrees cooler. Still a warm day for this time of year!

Monday will be the final day with highs in the low 80F’s across southeastern Minnesota and northern Iowa. A trough of low pressure will pass Minnesota by to the north Monday into Tuesday. While the energy from the trough will remain well to our north, it will still have a significant impact on our weather temperature wise!

High temperatures on Tuesday will only make it into the mid 60F’s behind a cold front set to come through late Monday, early Tuesday. Temperatures may rebound a bit next Wednesday to around 70F with sunshine, but then quickly fall back into the 60F’s through the end of the workweek.

While these temperatures may seem chilly, they are far more normal for this time of year than the warmth we have been seeing. The average high temperature for this time of year is 68F and dropping. Not to mention that next week marks the beginning of October, a time when 70F and especially 80F weather is not as common.