Braxton Wohlferd’s Story: Healthy St. Charles teen suddenly needs a new heart

Braxton Wohlferd’s story

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(ABC 6 News) — A healthy St. Charles teen goes from celebrating his 16th birthday to suddenly needing a new heart.

Braxton Wohlferd thought he had the stomach flu, so he called his mom, a registered nurse, for help. Upon her arrival, his condition deteriorated, and he was rushed to the hospital.

Within a half hour, he was on life support.

“Completely healthy and then, within a blink of an eye, he’s hooked up to every machine possible, keeping him alive,” said Braxton’s mother, Melissa Wohlferd.

Doctors at Mayo soon solved the mystery — a common childhood illness called Parvovirus B19. Most people who have it don’t even know it and suffer only cold-like symptoms.

However, Braxton’s body had an extremely rare reaction to the virus. His only option to recover was a heart transplant.

“It’s kind of surreal to think that I’m still here,” Braxton said. ” Thank you doesn’t even cover what I’d like to say. It’s unbelievable. It’s a selfless act that they give their organs away.”

The virus also affected Braxton’s legs, causing a condition known as compartment syndrome. Surgery was required to remove some of his leg muscles.

Despite his health battles, Braxton hopes to be back playing baseball next year.

“I don’t know how many other people would have went through this and survived. They said I was very lucky, I’m a miracle. And I feel like I’m a miracle,” Braxton said.