Unusual warmth sticks around into Monday

The weather seems to have forgotten, at least temporarily, that it is nearing the end of October. Temperatures across the region today reached and slightly exceeded 80F, which is highly uncommon this late in the season.

Rochester reached 81F today, which is just 1F shy of the record high temperature of 82F, set back in 1953. Truly astounding!

More unseasonable warmth will continue tonight and into Monday. Overnight low temperatures across most of the Weather First area will be in the mid to upper 50F’s. Fast fact, the average high for most of us this time of year is 56F. Some folks won’t even see the temperature drop to that reading tonight!

Skies remain clear through the overnight hours, with those breezy winds decreasing slightly to around 10 to 15 mph. A mild night for this time of year for sure!

Monday, we will wake up to temperatures right around 60F under a mostly sunny sky. You probably won’t be needing the sweatshirt tomorrow, and certainly won’t be needing a coat!

High temperatures Monday will once again top 80F, with more record warmth possible. We will see bit more thin cloud cover tomorrow, so some filtered sunshine at times but a beautiful day overall. Winds will remain on the breezy side out of the south at around 10 to 15 mph, potentially gusting up to 25 mph at times.

Putting into perspective how warm Monday will be, the average high is 55F, with the expected high being 81F in Rochester, and even warmer to the south and east. That is at least 26F above average!!! Hopefully you are able to get out and enjoy the warmth before much colder weather arrives by midweek!