UPDATE: Mason City liquor store employee made at least 7 illegal sales Friday night
(ABC 6 News) – Muhammad Hanif, an employee at Mason City’s Prime Wine and Spirits, was arrested Friday after allegedly selling tobacco and alcohol to juveniles.
RELATED: Mason City liquor store employee arrested – ABC 6 News – kaaltv.com
According to Cerro Gordo County court documents, Mason City law enforcement reported at least seven different alcohol and tobacco sales to underage people between ages 16 and 20 on Dec. 13.
7:45 p.m.
8:05 p.m.
9:15 p.m.
10:05 p.m.
Approx 10:10 p.m.
10:30 p.m. — A Cerro Gordo sheriff’s deputy filed two similar reports.
There was also one citation filed in Cerro Gordo County Court.
Cerro Gordo County Chief Deputy David Hepperly says that they take cases like these very seriously.
“It’s just a constant thing that we have a focus on making sure that, number one, that the businesses are being compliant, checking IDs and not selling to underage persons. So it’s just a public safety concern, obviously a health concern to for the county and our department in general,” Hepperly said.
Prime Wine and Spirits was closed on the day of the arrest, but has since reopened as an investigation is on-going.