Connecting nursing students with area youth

(ABC 6 NEWS) – In Pine Island, there’s a new community partnership between a community center and Winona State University-Rochester, and it’s all benefiting children.

Winona State nursing students are teaching children how to live a healthy lifestyle.

The new class brings nursing students out into the community to learn mentorship and relationship-centered care.
The students help out with the naturescapes day camp and after-school program and teach healthy eating, mental health, first aid, and careers in the medical field.

"They talked about how important the brain is and how we feed the brain. So we have to make sure that we’re giving it healthy meals and that it’s getting plenty of rest and teaching these children about how we really have to start that when we’re little," Angie Severson, Executive Director of Miss Angie’s Place said.

Miss Angie’s Place is a nonprofit encouraging growth in people of all ages through art, nature, and spirituality.

The Executive Director of Miss Angie’s says it was getting difficult to run the center on her own, and the Winona state students provide the extra help she needed.