Minnesota COVID-19 update: Tuesday

(ABC 6 News) – The latest information as of February 8, 2022 on coronavirus in Minnesota according to the Minnesota Department of Health.
Total COVID-19 vaccinations administered as of February 6 (cumulative): 9,281,266
Third doses and booster doses administered: 2,083,058
- Total Pfizer vaccinations (cumulative): 5,582,131
- Total Moderna vaccination (cumulative): 3,364,866
- Johnson & Johnson: 337,599
- Unknown/missing vaccine type: 2,670
People with completed vaccine series: 3,616,925
Percent of people with at least one vaccine dose: 69.3% of the population
Percent of people with completed vaccine series: 65% of the population
Total overall lab tests completed: 18,256,654
- Total approximate number of completed PCR tests (cumulative): 15,481,866
- Total approximate number of completed antigen tests (cumulative): 2,774,788
10,409 newly reported confirmed positive cases
*Data is for cases that were tested and returned positive. At-home test results are not counted by MDH.
Total confirmed cases of COVID-19, including reinfections: 1,375,279
Total positive people (cumulative): 1,320,865
- Total confirmed cases (PCR positive) (cumulative): 1,187,884
- Total probable cases (Antigen positive) (cumulative): 187,395
Breakthrough cases data updated weekly on Monday
Number of vaccine breakthrough cases as of January 2, 2022:
- Total cases: 329,653 or 9.697% of fully vaccinated people
- Total cases hospitalized: 8,496 or 0.250% of fully vaccinated people
- Total deaths: 1,521 or 0.045% of fully vaccinated people
Total patients who no longer need to be isolated: 1,335,988
- Total number of patients hospitalized: 58,348
- Total number of patients that have been admitted to the ICU: 10,892
48 deaths reported today
Residence type of newly reported deaths:
- Private Residence: 34
- Long-term Care Facility/Assisted Living: 10
- Residential Behavioral Health: 2
- Homeless (sheltered): 1
- Homeless (unsheltered): 1
Total number of deaths: 11,682
Total non-laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 deaths: 150
*COVID-19 listed on death certificate but a positive test not documented for the person.
46.4% of deaths, or 5,425, were among cases that resided in long-term care or assisted living facilities.
Cases by County of Residence
County | Total confirmed cases | Total probable cases | Total cases | Total deaths |
Aitkin | 2,640 | 171 | 2,811 | 59 |
Anoka | 76,508 | 18,636 | 95,144 | 749 |
Becker | 7,048 | 1,166 | 8,214 | 86 |
Beltrami | 8,983 | 1,901 | 10,884 | 116 |
Benton | 12,470 | 814 | 13,284 | 163 |
Big Stone | 1,237 | 77 | 1,314 | 8 |
Blue Earth | 16,364 | 478 | 16,842 | 88 |
Brown | 6,042 | 272 | 6,314 | 71 |
Carlton | 6,114 | 2,108 | 8,222 | 87 |
Carver | 20,509 | 4,936 | 25,445 | 102 |
Cass | 5,930 | 579 | 6,509 | 71 |
Chippewa | 2,783 | 129 | 2,912 | 46 |
Chisago | 11,943 | 1,918 | 13,861 | 114 |
Clay | 13,542 | 4,749 | 18,291 | 117 |
Clearwater | 1,604 | 433 | 2,037 | 29 |
Cook | 510 | 9 | 519 | 2 |
Cottonwood | 2,189 | 890 | 3,079 | 38 |
Crow Wing | 13,721 | 1,463 | 15,184 | 155 |
Dakota | 84,865 | 20,520 | 105,385 | 727 |
Dodge | 5,305 | 96 | 5,401 | 16 |
Douglas | 8,721 | 1,680 | 10,401 | 113 |
Faribault | 3,456 | 161 | 3,617 | 48 |
Fillmore | 4,342 | 71 | 4,413 | 21 |
Freeborn | 8,085 | 507 | 8,592 | 65 |
Goodhue | 11,836 | 516 | 12,352 | 118 |
Grant | 1,236 | 161 | 1,397 | 12 |
Hennepin | 247,008 | 39,177 | 286,185 | 2,419 |
Houston | 3,821 | 181 | 4,002 | 18 |
Hubbard | 4,159 | 512 | 4,671 | 56 |
Isanti | 8,226 | 1,507 | 9,733 | 109 |
Itasca | 10,001 | 498 | 10,499 | 133 |
Jackson | 1,533 | 552 | 2,085 | 16 |
Kanabec | 3,132 | 244 | 3,376 | 53 |
Kandiyohi | 12,416 | 360 | 12,776 | 130 |
Kittson | 905 | 91 | 996 | 26 |
Koochiching | 2,192 | 353 | 2,545 | 34 |
Lac qui Parle | 1,492 | 157 | 1,649 | 28 |
Lake | 1,658 | 282 | 1,940 | 27 |
Lake of the Woods | 691 | 28 | 719 | 5 |
Le Sueur | 5,800 | 372 | 6,172 | 47 |
Lincoln | 1,111 | 69 | 1,180 | 5 |
Lyon | 6,180 | 696 | 6,876 | 70 |
Mahnomen | 1,416 | 96 | 1,512 | 17 |
Marshall | 1,603 | 327 | 1,930 | 23 |
Martin | 4,880 | 413 | 5,293 | 56 |
McLeod | 9,228 | 806 | 10,034 | 100 |
Meeker | 5,350 | 287 | 5,637 | 73 |
Mille Lacs | 6,413 | 517 | 6,930 | 103 |
Morrison | 8,150 | 537 | 8,687 | 99 |
Mower | 10,944 | 468 | 11,412 | 64 |
Murray | 1,415 | 551 | 1,966 | 15 |
Nicollet | 7,284 | 287 | 7,571 | 66 |
Nobles | 5,845 | 902 | 6,747 | 57 |
Norman | 1,161 | 260 | 1,421 | 13 |
Olmsted | 37,517 | 619 | 38,136 | 158 |
Otter Tail | 10,574 | 2,267 | 12,841 | 157 |
Pennington | 2,256 | 1,066 | 3,322 | 36 |
Pine | 5,608 | 1,091 | 6,699 | 59 |
Pipestone | 1,722 | 204 | 1,926 | 33 |
Polk | 6,506 | 1,530 | 8,036 | 95 |
Pope | 2,616 | 193 | 2,809 | 17 |
Ramsey | 101,844 | 16,933 | 118,777 | 1,265 |
Red Lake | 649 | 248 | 897 | 11 |
Redwood | 3,377 | 360 | 3,737 | 52 |
Renville | 3,260 | 201 | 3,461 | 54 |
Rice | 15,913 | 1,042 | 16,955 | 163 |
Rock | 1,684 | 598 | 2,282 | 32 |
Roseau | 4,049 | 228 | 4,277 | 42 |
Scott | 30,881 | 7,685 | 38,566 | 241 |
Sherburne | 21,956 | 4,400 | 26,356 | 169 |
Sibley | 3,020 | 309 | 3,329 | 23 |
St. Louis | 37,256 | 6,543 | 43,799 | 494 |
Stearns | 46,341 | 2,335 | 48,676 | 347 |
Steele | 9,568 | 303 | 9,871 | 50 |
Stevens | 2,400 | 112 | 2,512 | 12 |
Swift | 2,078 | 88 | 2,166 | 31 |
Todd | 5,982 | 396 | 6,378 | 54 |
Traverse | 511 | 272 | 783 | 9 |
Wabasha | 5,146 | 104 | 5,250 | 15 |
Wadena | 3,325 | 626 | 3,951 | 49 |
Waseca | 4,933 | 359 | 5,292 | 38 |
Washington | 51,567 | 12,390 | 63,957 | 458 |
Watonwan | 2,648 | 126 | 2,774 | 22 |
Wilkin | 1,133 | 399 | 1,532 | 22 |
Winona | 11,655 | 188 | 11,843 | 69 |
Wright | 28,453 | 6,829 | 35,282 | 294 |
Yellow Medicine | 1,876 | 539 | 2,415 | 28 |
Unknown/missing | 7,583 | 1,841 | 9,424 | 0 |