Amy Klobuchar promotes preventative health care during Breast Cancer Awareness Month
(ABC 6 News) – October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and you’ll see lots of people and sports teams wearing pink, including U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar.
Klobuchar was at Mayo Clinic in Rochester Thursday to promote preventative health care, especially annual screenings like mammograms and other cancer screenings.
"I’m so happy to be back here today when I’m not being a patient, as much as I liked being a patient," Klobuchar said.
Last February, doctors at Mayo Clinic in Rochester found white spots during a routine mammogram. Klobuchar was diagnosed with Stage 1A breast cancer.
"I think everyone that gets that call knows how scary it can be to hear the word cancer. But as we have more and more amazing treatments not only for breast cancer but other kinds of cancer, it makes it more important that finding out early can literally save your life," Klobuchar said.

Luckily she did find out in the early stages because she went in for a screening during the pandemic.
And she says it’s not just NFL players that wear pink this month.
Klobuchar says getting these screenings makes a huge difference. There are thousands of women and even men out there with undetected breast cancer.
This message coming from Sen. Klobuchar during an important time as health experts are saying over one in three adults reported either delaying or forgoing health care, such as these annual screenings, because of fear of the pandemic.
"Some of the recommendations include abdominal aortic aneurysm screening for older men, and of course for women, pap smears for cervical cancer, mammograms for breast cancer," Dr. Laura Breeher, Occupational Medicine Specialist at Mayo Clinic, said.
"Breast cancer, colorectal cancer, cervical cancer. 90 percent survival rates if we catch them early," Matt Flory, Senior Manager of Cancer Control Strategic Partnerships at the American Cancer Society, said.
People also put off things like blood pressure checks and vaccinations.
Flory says not to wait to have symptoms because that’s when cancers are likely to be found in later, less treatable stages.
"I put it off too. I know the mind tricks that can go on where you have an excuse to put off making an appointment," Klobuchar said.
Stop putting it off and make your appointment as it could save your life.