Hubbell House ribbon cutting ceremony
The Hubbell House in Mantorville, Minn. officially exchanges family hands.
Saturday, the previous owners of Hubbell House gives the new owners the priviledge of cutting the ribbon during the cities "Stage Coach Days."
The Hubbell House is a historic steak house in the region and has been open for more than 130 years.
The Pappas family greeted the new owners, the Powers family, at the house after they arrived via a stage coach.
"I just want to thank all of our wonderful customers and people who supported us all these years to get us where we are. Please continue to support the new people and keep the Hubbell House well going on into the next century," Don Pappas, the original family owner, said.

After the ribbon was cut, the Pappas family took their spots aboard the stage coach and rode off into the west.