Olmsted County Salvation Army kicks off Red Kettle season Friday morning

(ABC 6 News) – The Salvation Army in Olmsted County is kicking off its Red Kettle Campaign Friday morning.

From 9 to 10 a.m. Friday morning the Mayo Clinic Plummer Building Carillon Bells and others will signal the start of the campaign.

Red Kettles will be in several locations in Rochester, Stewartville, Byron and Chatfield for six weeks. This year’s goal is to raise $1.125 million.

Ringers are still needed. For information on registering click here.

“Ringers in our community raise an average of $100 an hour when they ring. That’s almost double what ringers raise in other communities around the country, and people’s time makes a huge impact,” said Major Bob Mueller.

“All of those dollars are used to feed people every day, to provide for their healthcare, to get and keep people housed, all of these essential but basic needs that are more important in the wake of the pandemic than ever before.”