Setback over lockers at new Rochester middle school

(ABC 6 NEWS) – The Rochester School Board plans to meet Tuesday and there are some setbacks on who will provide the lockers at the new Rochester middle school.

In December 2020, the school board approved a contract with Lyon Group Holdings, LLC for $269,000 to provide metal lockers in the new NW middle school.

Lyon Group Holdings, LLC was the lowest bidder for that project.

But in August, Lyon Group Holdings, LLC sent a letter to Knutson Construction saying it would need to increase the price because of a price increase in steel-related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

At the Rochester School Board meeting on Tuesday, school board members will discuss terminating the contract with Lyon Group Holdings, LLC and finding a new vendor.

Other items on Tuesday’s agenda include increasing the pay for substitute school nurses and an announcement on the Rochester Public Schools Foundation Grant

You can find the full agenda for Tuesday’s meeting here.