75 Minn National Guard members set to help with COVID-19 efforts

(ABC 6 News) – 75 Minnesota National Guard members will begin helping with the state’s COVID-19 efforts beginning Monday.
“On Wednesday, Governor Walz requested Minnesota National Guard support for community-based testing sites in the metro and outstate locations,” said Army Col. Scott Rohweder, Minnesota National Guard’s Director of Operations.
“The service members will be broken into seven teams assisting civil authorities at various sites with conducting testing facility management, performing administrative tasks, and administering COVID-19 tests.”
From March 2020 until Sept. 2021, the Minnesota National Guard mobilized nearly 970 service members to support the state’s health emergency plan.
“The Minnesota National Guard’s motto is ‘Always Ready, Always There’ and demonstrates our commitment to support Minnesota citizens,” said Army Maj. Gen. Shawn Manke, Minnesota National Guard’s Adjutant General.
“We have supported public health activities since March 2020 with varying levels of personnel and activities and are prepared to do so, again.”