A cool down coming next week, but still warm

The forecast for next weeks cool down has changed a bit over the last 24 hours. For those hoping for a longer stretch of fall like weather this next week, it’s beginning to look like one day of it is the best we can do for the time being.

Sunday and Monday the low 80F’s hang on. A Canadian cold front comes crashing through Monday night, bringing breezy conditions and much cooler temperatures….for a day. Highs will be in the mid 60F’s Tuesday, under a generally sunny sky. Not bad at all for this time of year.

By Wednesday, the summer like warmth returns. Temperatures will climb into mid 70F’s, and it’ll be a bit breezy due to these warm temperatures streaming back north so quick!

Another cold front passes through heading into Thursday, which will knock our daily high temperatures down a few degrees (low 70F’s) for the end of the week. By the following weekend, warmer temperatures near 80 may once again be possible for Saturday, before another strong cold front passes through, bringing more fall like air behind it.

The upper atmospheric pattern will be arranged in such a way that colder shots of Canadian air can easily make their way into southeastern Minnesota and northern Iowa through the week. The same arrangement also makes it easier for warmer air to stream up from the southern Plains, however. This is thanks to the jet stream being a bit further north than previously anticipated.

Ultimately, while colder shots of air will make their way into our area, warmer air will be able to do so as well.

With that said, temperatures are going to be a bit of a roller coaster this next week, with warmer air than previously expected making it into our area.