A storm to watch this weekend

A powerful winter storm will develop across the south/central part of the country this weekend which may track fairly close the ABC 6 Weather First area.

There are still uncertainties on the exact track of the storm with various weather models have differing solutions which is not that uncommon this far in advance.

Model 1 develops the storm in the lower Mississippi River valley region and tracks in northeast through Illinois towards lower Michigan. On it’s backside, colder air will lead to heavy snow potential from central and eastern Wisconsin through north, central and eastern Illinois. This storm track leaves the ABC 6 Weather First area free of precipitation.

Model 2 develops the storm more than 100 miles further west and tracks it northeast into Illinois towards Chicago and onto eastern Michigan with heavy snow possible in south, central and eastern Iowa into south, central Wisconsin. This storm track gives the local area a glancing blow of snow.

The bulk of any precipitation looks like it’ll miss the area, but as new data comes in throughout the week, the storm track will get further narrowed down. But, for now, it’s certainly one to watch.