Cedar River at Austin forecast to drop below minor flood stage Sunday evening, still rising in Charles City

Cedar River at Austin forecast to drop below minor flood stage Sunday evening, still rising in Charles City

The Cedar River at Austin reached its crest Saturday night and is forecast to drop below minor flood stage early Sunday evening. The river is still rising in Charles City and will reach its crest Monday morning. Here’s a link to see the latest river gauge measurements across the region.

While many streams and rivers may remain above flood stage for at least another couple days, we’re getting a fortunate break from heavy, widespread rain through at least Monday. And Tuesday’s rain chance doesn’t look anything like the kind of rain we’ve seen recently.

Sunshine and quiet skies are back today to help dry things out. Highs will return to the upper 70s and lower 80s Sunday afternoon with a light breeze.

Most of next week will remain seasonably warm, even a bit warmer than average Monday and Tuesday. It looks we won’t see widespread, heavy rain until late next week, and that round won’t stall out over the area.