Clinging close to 80F the next week, any change on the way?

Good evening folks! What an evening it is as well! Temperatures are dropping into the mid to upper 60F’s across the viewing area after a wonderful day all around!

High temperatures are not forecast to change a whole lot the next week or so, clinging right around 80F give or take a degree or two. This is right along with the long term average of 80F for this time of year.

Looking beyond this next week, we my see things warm up a bit. The Climate Prediction Center has placed us in greater than 50% odds of seeing above average temperatures returning to our area end of next week and into the following weekend.

This would mean temperatures in the low to mid 80F’s at least, which would certainly feel warmer than what we have seen the last few days! It is too far out to know if dew points will rise with this rise in temperatures, but just based on the temperature outlook, it very well may mean far more summerlike warmth is on the way.