Cooler air moves in Friday

Instead of jumping right into chilly, fall weather, we’ve been able to enjoy small steps toward more typical, October weather. It’s gusty and bright across the region this Thursday, one cool front has passed through southern Minnesota and northern Iowa, and another front is about to push through Friday. The next one will bring more clouds, a few showers, and the coolest air of the season so far. That’s not saying much considering how oddly warm it’s been recently, but it might be a shock to the system for some.

Temperatures will be topping out around 50° Friday afternoon, then falling back to the 40s Friday evening along with a strong, northwest wind. It will feel more like the 30s Friday evening. There should be a small amount of rain Friday, especially around the midday through afternoon, but amounts will only be enough to make it feel like more of a raw, fall day.

Overnight lows will drop back to the 30s through this weekend into the start of next week, and temperatures will remain more seasonable through at least the middle of next week. This weekend’s high temperatures will be quite a departure from what we’ve grown used to, staying in the low 50s for afternoon temperatures through Saturday and then warming to the mid-upper 50s Sunday afternoon. Next week’s temperatures look to stay at or below average with a fair amount of sunshine.