Cooler air settling in, sunshine and warmer weather returns next week

Happy Saturday everyone! It has felt like fall across the Weather First area today. Skies have become cloud filled this afternoon thanks to a passing cold front, with breezy winds out of the east making it feel even cooler. Colder air is on the way for Sunday and early next week, but a warm up is not far behind!

Clouds will work their way out of our area quickly the next few hours as the cold front passes to our east. Rain chances are very slim, and most locations look to stay dry.

Sunday will be another blustery day, with highs in the low to mid 50F’s for most of the area. Clouds will also be increasing throughout the day as a low pressure system passes to our east. Slim shower chances again, but most stay dry.

Things stay chilly and fall like around here through the first half of next week. High temperatures will only make it into the low 50F’s Monday and Tuesday, finally cracking 60F again by Wednesday. Widespread frost is likely each morning, with the seasons first freeze looking to be Monday night. The positive news though, we keep the sunshine!

Sunshine continues the second half of the week, with high temperatures taking a more profound jump by Thursday and Friday. Highs will be reaching and exceeding 70F by the end of the week, in fact!

The next weather system looks to pass through next weekend sometime, which will likely bring cooler weather behind it by next Sunday. There could be a few showers around next Saturday, but otherwise, chances of rain remain hard to come by in the extended forecast.

Overall, the forecast is ahead is by far and away more fall like, with cooler days, cold nights, and generally dry conditions continuing for the next week or so.